Zion City Group Leader Training
Dr. Deb Waterbury has specifically taken four of her teaching videos from The Academy of Biblical Counseling and made them available for Zion City Group Leaders. These videos are Gospel-centered and full of information and knowledge that every group leader needs in order to facilitate Biblical conversations in Zion City Groups.
"Leading a group to me means I get to be part of creating small community in a large church family where every woman feels seen, heard, valued, and loved. I enjoy our time where generations come together and cheer each other on, glean wisdom and experiences from one another, and encounter God and His goodness, mercies, and miracles together!"
-Rhonda Garcia
"I have loved seeing the women in my group step out of their comfort zones and serve on a greater level. They have stepped out to serve in Adopt-a-Block and even to leading a tribe in Students! Overall, my group really leaned into a greater depth of transparency this season. I loved seeing the women put their walls down more and more each week, which I believe allowed for a new level of healing!"
-Mariah Gonzalez
Facilitating a group at any level is an opportunity to share in community the way Jesus modeled. We were quite literally created for community, and those who obediently step out in order to facilitate God's plan for His people will not only bring blessing, but will be exceedingly blessed.
-Dr. Deb Waterbury
Example Curriculum
Dr. Deborah Waterbury
Hi! I'm Dr. Deb Waterbury, and I'm the Groups Pastor at Zion City and the CEO of "The Answer: A Biblical Counseling Center" in Tucson, AZ. As an author, speaker, and Biblical Counselor for the last 20 years, I've seen the need in today's world for the "answer," and that is only in the Bible. It's my belief that Biblical Counseling is something all believers should be able to do, and I have designed this school to help those who want to do so professionally, as part of their ministry, or in their everyday lives. My course promises to be practical and time sensitive, while also giving each participant the overall skills necessary to give help where help is needed.
All Biblical Training Courses
Whether you are looking to help counsel those around you in your everyday life, pastor to the local church, or a counselor wanting more training, the tools in these courses can be used to guide others to God's Word.